“Torah Im Derech Eretz” 

Welcome to PJJDS

The Phyllis Jowell School uses innovative techniques and systems to create learning that is tailor-made for each student. The individual development of young learners is a priority and teachers are prepared to adjust the educational experience to the needs of each student. The overreaching goal is to synthesise the development of body, mind and soul. This is reflective of our logo: a picture of a Torah, open for all to see, reflecting our aim of educating our children to apply the fundamental and timeless laws, lessons and values of our Torah to their lives in a dynamic and modern world.

The Phyllis Jowell curriculum provides a solid academic grounding through a comprehensive secular education programme supported by an in-depth religious education. The secular education follows all the guidelines and requirements of the Western Cape Education Department. Our religious and secular curricula are well integrated and are designed to complement one another. The analytical techniques used by the Torah scholars over the ages, which encourage technical analysis and critical thinking are taught as disciplines across all the studies from an early age. Key to these objectives is the nurturing and supportive relationships between teachers, learners and parents. We believe that in addition to academic achievement, that is self-esteem is vital to each child’s growth, and that a teacher’s attitude towards each child is crucial, setting the tone for attitudes too.

The school caters for regular interaction and feedback between teachers and parents. The school encourages parents to visit the school, participate in events and attend various monthly and holiday celebrations showcasing the children’s progress and growth.

Our four pillars of student development:


Scholastic excellence combined with a love of learning and curiosity


Who, what and where are we and how do we fit into the world around us


South Africa our residence and country; Israel our heritage, our homeland, our birthright


Development of mind, body and Neshama are equally valued and pursued

We provide an inclusive and individualised programme that:

  • Is multi-faceted and dynamic
  • Integrates secular and Kodesh syllabi
  • Incorporates recognised programmes with tailor made ones; and
  • Provides a curriculum that combines Creativity, S.T.E.M., Physical Well-being, Personal Growth and Midot

We seek to equip our students with the vital skills that will enable them to flourish throughout their lives:

  • Leadership
  • Responsibility
  • critical thinking
  • collaboration
  • generosity
  • faith

What our community says about us

Phyllis Jowell Jewish Day School Testimonials

Get in touch with us

We look forward to hearing from you!