“Torah Im Derech Eretz”
We are proud to be a Google School!
We are a Google school and teachers and pupils use this platform to communicate and converse on educational matters. Our pupils work on chrome books as part of the academic approach.
The secular education follows all the guidelines and requirements of the Western Cape Education Department. In addition to these measures, we apply the following learning methods:
- Living maths
- Virtual reading gym
- Singapore maths
- Reading EGGS
- Alephbeta
- Chinuch.org
- Aish.com
- Mathletics
We also place emphasis on teaching our kids about outreach. One of the programmes we have in place is KMAD (Kids Making A Difference).
KMAD is an intramural at Phyllis Jowell Jewish Day School with its main purpose being to conduct outreach work in the broader community. This is in line with our values at Phyllis Jowell of educating the whole child. Through KMAD the students get to implement the values they learn in the classroom and are able to feel the power they have to make a positive change in the world. A new organisation or NGO is selected every term and the whole school gets to learn about the needs facing that particular community group. They do this by either visiting the place or getting guest speakers in to describe the needs and services rendered, determining what our school can do to assist in making a difference ( be it to raise funds, develop social awareness or help out directly in rendering a service) .We aim to create meaningful experiences that the children can take with them throughout their lives. KMAD together with Phyllis Jowell have supported various organisations over the last few years including The Haven Shelter, African Tails, DARG, Oranjekloof Primary School in Hout Bay, One to One, Atlantic Hope, Afrika Tikkun, PSFA to name a few.
What our community says about us
Phyllis Jowell Jewish Day School Testimonials

“This school teaches us how to be a Mensch, to be caring and kind.”

"At Phyllis Jowell my friends and I raise money for organisations helping the underprivileged.”

"Phyllis Jowell Jewish Day School, is a special school because it provides a intimate and nurturing environment, enabling each child to develop their own sense of self and and be professionally educated while having fun!”

"Phyllis Jowell is an extension of our family."

“Working at Phyllis Jowell is not a job - it’s my second home and family.”
Get in touch with us
We look forward to hearing from you!